Orthodox Saints who Shone Forth
in North America
Saint John
of San Francisco, Western Europe and Shanghai

Saint Peter the Aluet

Saint Tikhon,
Enlightener of North America

Saint Juvenaly

Saint Basil the New Martyr

Saint Jacob Netsvetov

Saint Innocent,
Enlightener of Alaska

New Martyr
Saint Alexander

of Jackson and California

Saint Herman of Alaska

Saint Alexis Toth
of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania

Saint Raphael of Brooklyn

Saint Barnabas of Hvosno
Saint Nicholai
of Zica and Pennsylvania

Saint Mardarije
of Libertyville and All America

Saint John Kochurov

Blessed Matushka Olga

Saint Anatole Amensky

Holy Men and Women of Blessed Memory
Who Labored for North America
Blessed Fr. Seraphim Rose
of Platina California

Blessed Jose Munoz
of Quebec

Elder Ephraim
of Arizona

Dom Denis Chambault
of Paris and the Western Rite

Mother Alexandra
Former Princess of Romania & Abbess of Ellwood, Pennsylvania

Bishop Dimitri
of Dallas and the South

Metropolitan Philaret
of New York

New Martyr John Karastamatis
of Santa Cruz

Archbishop Josaph
of Canada